Teaching Methods for the Naturalistic Learner

In this installment in our series on teaching methods to cater to different types of learning preferences instead of requiring the child to comply to the model of delivery not suited to his or her learning preferences. The current state of our school system is evident in its failure to accommodate the diverse learning preferences of students. Regardless of their unique learning styles or talents, children are assessed based on a uniform standard. Envision for a moment, the potential outcomes if we were to teach students in a way that aligns with their individual learning styles. Imagine if you had had such an experience? In our previous installments, we covered visual and spatial learners, auditory and musical learners and verbal learners and the physical or kinesthetic learner, today we consider naturalistically gifted children.

Naturalist learners possess qualities such as a strong interest in nature, keen powers of observation, aversion to pollution, dramatic enthusiasm when in contact with nature, and heightened awareness of weather changes.  Naturalist learners have a deep curiosity and passion for understanding the natural world. These qualities demonstrate their deep connection to the natural world and their preference for hands-on learning experiences.

Naturalistic learners possess qualities such as a strong interest in nature, keen powers of observation, aversion to pollution, dramatic enthusiasm when in contact with nature, and heightened awareness of weather changes. Naturalist learners have a deep curiosity and passion for understanding the natural world. These qualities demonstrate their deep connection to the natural world and their preference for hands-on learning experiences.

Some Qualities Associated With Naturalistic Learners Include

  • They demonstrate keen powers of observation in nature with a keen eye for detail
  • Intense interest in learning about nature
  • They are skilled at observing and noticing patterns and changes in the environment.
  • they are sensitive to environmental issues and are motivated to protect and preserve nature.
  • They exhibit excitement and enthusiasm when engaging with the natural world, showing a genuine love for nature.

How to Engage a Naturalistic Learner

To engage a naturalist learner, it’s crucial to create a learning environment that embraces nature and offers hands-on experiences. By connecting lessons to the natural world and emphasizing their relevance, naturalist learners will be more motivated and engaged. Encouraging exploration, observation, and interaction with the environment allows them to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for nature. Incorporating guest speakers, using nature as a teaching resource, and fostering environmental stewardship further enhance their learning. By highlighting real-world applications in related careers, naturalist learners can see the practical value of their knowledge.

Learning Strengths for Naturalistic LearnerNaturalistic learners excel at observing and noticing details in the natural world. They thrive through experiential learning, directly interacting with their surroundings. Sensory engagement enhances their learning experience. They have a natural ability to see the interconnectedness of elements in nature, understanding complex systems. Contextual learning allows them to relate concepts to real-life examples. Naturalistic learners are environmentally conscious, taking actions to protect and preserve the environment.

Teaching Tips for Naturalistic Learners

Teaching naturalist students requires a focus on hands-on experiences and an immersive approach to learning. Here are some teaching tips to effectively engage and support naturalist learners:

Naturalist students thrive in outdoor environments, so whenever possible, plan lessons and activities that take place outside. Conduct science experiments, nature walks, or observation exercises in nearby parks, gardens, or nature reserves. This allows students to directly engage with the natural world and observe its wonders firsthand.

  • Use nature as a classroom: Instead of confining learning to the traditional classroom setting, bring the classroom to nature. Set up outdoor learning stations where students can explore and interact with various elements of the natural world. For example, have a plant identification station, a wildlife observation area, or a weather tracking station. This provides a hands-on and sensory-rich learning experience.
  • Encourage field trips: Organize field trips to relevant places like botanical gardens, zoos, aquariums, wildlife sanctuaries, or nature centers. These outings allow naturalist learners to deepen their knowledge and make real-world connections with what they’ve learned in class. Engage them in guided tours, interactive exhibits, and opportunities for direct interaction with nature.
  • Incorporate hands-on activities: Engage naturalist learners in hands-on activities that involve touching, feeling, and exploring nature. This could include planting and tending to a class garden, building birdhouses, creating nature journals, or conducting experiments with soil, water, or plants. These activities tap into their love for experiences and enhance their understanding of natural processes.
  • Foster curiosity and inquiry: Naturalist learners are naturally curious about the world around them. Encourage their inquisitive nature by posing open-ended questions and encouraging them to explore and find answers through their own observations and research. Provide resources like field guides, reference books, and online platforms to support their inquiries.
  • Guest speakers and experts: Invite local naturalists, environmentalists, biologists, or park rangers to share their knowledge and experiences with the students. Guest speakers can provide valuable insights and inspire students to pursue their interests in the natural world. Consider arranging interactive sessions or workshops where students can learn directly from these experts.
  • Incorporate technology wisely: While naturalist learners thrive in hands-on experiences, technology can still be used as a complementary tool. Utilize digital resources, such as nature-themed educational apps, online videos, or virtual field trips, to enhance their understanding and provide additional information about specific topics. Balance screen time with outdoor experiences to maintain a well-rounded approach.
  • Encourage documentation and reflection: Naturalist learners benefit from documenting their experiences and reflecting on what they’ve learned. Encourage them to keep nature journals, create sketches, take photographs, or write reflective pieces about their observations and discoveries. This process helps deepen their connection to nature and reinforces their learning.

Remember, naturalist learners flourish when they can engage with nature directly. By providing hands-on experiences, incorporating outdoor learning, and nurturing their curiosity, you can create a rich and meaningful learning environment that supports their naturalist intelligence and fosters a lifelong love for the natural world.

Written by Bianca Steyn

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